Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thing 2 - Murky Waters

I confess...blogging is not my cup of tea. It is like wading into the murky waters of a seemingly isolated inlet on the coast of the pacific think it is just you and maybe a few friends out for a beach party. But in reality, there is a vicious riptide sucking your thoughts and words right into the thermosaline-based currents towards South America.

I've seen way too many students and young family members dragged under by myspace; suspensions and arrests among the worst results. Let's teach our students how to use it wisely. Personal boundaries apply to both face-to-face situations and in cyber-space.

Now that I have vented, there are, of course, some benefits to blogging. I can absorb people's opinion with a quick skim rather than hearing every word in a meeting that has to fit everyone's schedule. Students are used to it.

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