Friday, November 9, 2007

Power Standards-Power Session

Today was a professional development day at Harding, part of which consisted of "unpacking" the science 9 scientific method standards in student-friendly language. The laptop & projector made it incredibly easily. Everyone was thrilled with how productive we were. I pulled the standards up on my computer, expanded the font, and projected then on the screen. I typed as everyone spoke. It made it so easy to discuss each person's ideas and the wording of each SWBAT. We finished the entire standard in less than the time alloted. Normally, our frustration at trying to edit a document together tends to spur us to further vent about the standards and why we are doing what we were doing. But giving everyone a place to focus made it extremely clear and productive. There were fewer fights, tangets, and vent-sessions. We actually left happy with one another. Thanks metronet!

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